Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Nuclear bomb Vs Ice cream!

     If we ask, what is the most devastating thing on earth, it is the nuclear bomb. In my opinion, it is the sense objects, which is the most devastating thing on earth. An Ice cream or a chocolate can be a sense object for a person. What? Are you saying Ice cream is more dangerous than a nuclear bomb? It's ridiculous. Nuclear bomb vs Ice cream! You may confirm, that I have got a slight mental aberration in the brain with this sort of comparison. But let us delve deep into the subject to understand the veracity of the statement.

     A nuclear bomb will shred you to pieces in a moment and you will be in hell in the next moment J. Whereas, a slight look at the sense object can send you to a hell of millions and millions of lives. All sense objects leave so-called ‘sense impressions’ or ‘Vrittis’. These sense impressions are not visible on the obvious surface of the mind. They remain hidden beneath the subtle layers of the mind. They express themselves when suitable environment and conditions prevail. 

   For example, you may look at an upcoming movie poster say, Jurassic World and you immediately dismiss the thing from your mind in the next moment. You begin to look at the other tasks which need your immediate attention. But unknown to yourself, the impressions are created and they are now like pointed arrows and missiles ready to strike at any moment, given the environment is conducive. After a week, say, your friend calls up and asks ‘Hey dude are you ready for a movie?’ Immediately even without your consent you reply ‘Yup, let’s go for the Jurassic World’. The power of sense impressions is that it doesn’t care for your consent. It pushes at any rate, at any length to express itself. There is no way that you cannot hold on to a sense impressions, except expressing it.

     How do we define a sense object? There is a big difference between an ordinary object and a sense object. First, the sense object deludes. Delusion is the first and foremost characteristic of a sense object. It deludes by beauty and aesthetics, pleasing color, taste, and form etc. An ordinary object does not create delusion. Second, the sense objects create a feel of permanence. You feel the object is permanent and it stays intact and that it is going to accompany you forever. An ordinary object does not create this feeling. Third, Sense objects are not satiated, it asks for more. An ordinary object is satiated. Fourth, the sense objects create pain in the end. The fourth character is a hidden one and it is the after effect which is not visible at the first sight. An ordinary object does not create pain.

     There are some, a man of insight, who can identify a sense object and its consequences. The difference between a man and a man of insight, a Yogi is that the latter sees or recognizes the pain involved in the object, just by having a look at it, without getting deluded or enjoying the sense object. Whereas the former gets deluded, enjoys, then suffers the inevitable pain.

     We have now some idea of ‘sense impressions’ and ‘sense objects’.  In our lifetime, therefore, we carry innumerable sense impressions. Only some percent of these sense impressions finds expression. The others simply wait for the earlier cycle to complete or wait for favorable conditions. When life ceases (death), the sense impressions continue to exist in the subtle body. They still remain very active, but could not find the suitable companion, the body, to find expression. Then comes the process of body determination (the type of body required for the particular set of sense impressions). There is another factor which plays a major role in the body determination, it is called karamasaya, or the summation of all works done in a life time.

     Therefore, ‘the summation of work force’ together with ‘sense impressions’ creates a gross body from the subtle body. Again the cycle of sense impressions begins with the new body. It is like a continuous wheel rotating and rotating, on and on without any break. Therefore it is very hard to imagine what a sense object and sense impression can do. It may create a hell of cycle of millions and millions of life. Therefore in my opinion sense object is more dangerous than a nuclear bomb. J

Next time, when you see an ice cream J just see it J


1. Sense objects creates ‘sense impressions’.
2. Sense impressions remains hidden and finds expression in favorable conditions.
3. Sense object Characteristics:     

  • a.       It deludes
  • b.      Creates a feel of permanence
  • c.       They cannot be satisfied
  • d.      Creates pain in the end
4. Sense impressions remain even after death.
5. It continues to find expression in the new body.

*Hi friends, this is the blog that I have begun, to share with you, the ideas, which I feel is most important. I feel, you will definitely have a look at it. I think, it will be useful as well. The notes are based on ancient texts and some from my own views and reflections. The views expressed here are of my own and not the organization which I belong to. Thank you friends.

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1 comment:

  1. Great blog Vishnu.. The 'sense object' at the end if not icecream though :P Its a cuppy cake..

