Thursday, September 10, 2015

Entropy of the mind.

Expanding Universe and Entropy:

The universe, as we know, is expanding because of entropy. Edwin Hubble and other scientists made a series of observations in the galactic systems, which indicated that the universe is expanding. As the universe expands, there is an increase in entropy or increase in the disorder of the system. As a result, there is nothing which is going to stop the earth and sun from being wiped out. (According to second law of thermodynamics, entropy is the degree of increase in the disorder of the system)

Expanding universe

Vietnam War and Entropy:

One of the reasons why the Americans lost the Vietnam War is the entropy. Earlier, the Japs and the French were at a loss at how to defeat the Viet Minh. The Viet Minh were ubiquitous. They were ever elusive and would not give an open battle. The Americans, later, faced the same problem in containing VC (Viet Cong) and NVA (North Vietnamese Army) in Cochin China and Annam. Even the American fire power, bombing of Ho Chi Minh trail and the secret bombing of Cambodia and Laos, could do nothing to deter the VC from infiltrating the South Vietnam. This is entropy. There is nothing which is going to stop it from happening (unification of Vietnam).

Americans battered in Vietnam
Entropy of the mind:

Our human mind too is prone to entropy and disorder. As time goes on, the entropy of the human mind increases or the degree of disorder of the human mind increases. For example, how we go on surfing the net without any reason. We hop from one site to another endlessly. We start from Gmail, then to Facebook, twitter, news, amazon, Flipkart etc., and then we go on endlessly jumping from one site to another. The mind is not fixated on a particular thing or the mind drains away in the process of hopping. This is the entropy of the mind.

This happens not only during surfing net but also in our day to day activities. As soon as we begin our morning, hundreds of thoughts enter our mind and hundreds of desires enter our mind and hundreds of unplanned activities that too will enter our mind. All these things fuse together and bring chaos. The mind begins to shift its gear from one activity to another, without any reason or aim or without seeing the end in one particular activity. This hopping off the mind drains our energy. 

Entropy of the mind

Brain Drain:

What happens when the mind drains out?
  1. By constant hopping and because of the constant scattering of the mind in various activities, the mind loses its resoluteness. The singularity of the purpose is lost. The loss of resoluteness of the mind is passed on to the body, which culminates in the loss of vital energy of the body.
  2. We feel abundant energy during that time, but it is only a last glow before flickering and dying out. The energy is transformed into outward movement or activity, which when barred becomes anger, and which when stopped from execution, becomes destruction. Entropy ends here – in destruction.
  3. By this process, we not only disturb our peace, but disturb the peace of others and the whole world as well.
  4. By the repetition of the cycle, disease creeps in. The body becomes prone to anxiety, build-up of stress, poor time management and so on.
          How to stop entropy of the mind:

It is very difficult to stop entropy. It is an uphill task. It is like pushing the river back to its source, the mountains. As we all know that the material systems are bound to entropy, the body being a material system, disintegrates, becoming a receptacle for innumerable diseases, and finally brings death. The mind too is prone to entropy and that is the reason we find loss of memory in old age. The mind too fades out. So, how to stop this ever disintegrating disorder?

A way to do it is to lift the mind from the material plane to the spiritual plane. In the higher planes, where the material phenomena is absent, the entropy ceases. Entropy has no effect on the spiritual system of man. The body may finally disintegrate, but we remain identified in the spiritual phenomena. So, how to lift the mind from material plane to spiritual plane?
  1. Disengage from all outside activities.
  2. Bar all external movements of mind and body.
  3. Bar all external contacts with sense objects.
  4. Bar all nominal identifications, with respect to the body.
  5. Meditate and be at peace.
Meditate to counter entropy
This is the process. We have to shut down the whole system. Shutting down refers to shutting down the material system, but remain alive in the spiritual system. Many are at first apprehensive about shutting down in its entirety, because they feel that life is lost altogether. Yes, it is true the individual life is lost altogether, but a new universal life opens up, which is not prone to entropy.

Therefore escape disorder (entropy) by escaping into spiritual realm.

Thank You.

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