Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Misinterpretation of the Highest Spiritual Reality and the Current Conflict Worldwide

Nowadays it’s very difficult to go through newspapers— with the front page always reporting on suicide bombers, car bombs, bombs ripping through civilian areas causing casualties to women and children, hostage-taking by militants, and the list goes on. These incidents have become more pronounced and is a matter of international concern with events occurring everywhere irrespective of the geographical location. The perpetrators of these crimes against humanity malign the name of religion and bring it to disrepute.

Recent attack in Baghdad. 

The root of the problem lies in the perception of different spiritual realities as envisaged by different religious teachers, and the interpretation of which in the wrong sense, paves the way for violence.

The spiritual reality is the ultimate reality as experienced by the founders of different religions. In some religions, the ultimate spiritual reality is only one. In a religion like Hinduism, there are different spiritual realities—Nirguna Brahman (God without form), Saguna Brahman (God with form), Freedom of Purusha from Prakriti—depending upon the school of philosophy. Though there are gradations in the spiritual realities, they are integrated forward to the highest reality. This forward-integration of gradations of spiritual realities is one of the interesting aspects of the Hindu religion, and it is that which gives colour and taste to the religion. This gives freedom to worship for a man–a stone, a tree, an idol, innumerable Gods and Goddesses, and ultimately a God without form.

Integrated to the highest reality.

Therefore, Hinduism does not look upon with contempt the lower forms of religions as idolatry. Because everything points out to the highest reality. But the problem with other religions is this: they do not accept the lower form of spiritual realities; they do not integrate the lower form of realities with the highest one; some native pagan religions do not have any highest reality at all; Some religions have inadequate theological concepts to suffice their highest reality, by only relying upon the words of the founder.

The interpretation of the highest reality is always a difficult one and a dangerous one too, because of its high conception many followers tend to misinterpret it. Any highest reality to be of any benefit to mankind must be brought down to the practical plane.

The highest reality is devoid of name and form. The name and form do not exist in the highest reality. What exist is only ‘One’. We can interpret this highest idea in two ways—either by construction or by destruction.

By destruction, when the highest reality is devoid of name and form, the rest of the name and form then constitute only ignorance. Therefore, idols and idol-worship which constitutes name and form need to be destroyed. Say suppose, a religious teacher has said that name and form is ignorance and needs to be destroyed, the followers when they take up in the destructive sense, begin breaking all idols around the world and destroying all temples around the world. And they kill the followers of this ignorant religions. This is the result of gross misinterpretation. The result of which we see every day in the form of violence across the world.

Bamiyan destroyed by Taliban. 

By construction, when the highest reality is devoid of name and form, and when the ultimate reality is ‘One’, a man gives up all his identity related to his name and form and becomes One with the universe. He destroys the ignorance of name and form in mental space and not outside. When ignorance is removed, the aspirant becomes one with the whole world. Then the aspirant will be able to sympathise with the suffering humanity. They undertake various humanitarian activities to help the suffering humanity. This paves the way for love and not for destruction.

Therefore, for the good of the humanity, please do not interpret the highest reality in the destructive sense.

Thank You.

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