Thursday, July 30, 2015

Objects: Its Perception, Existence and Three States of Subjective Modification

Perception is life. The way we perceive the world and its objects largely determines our goal, attitude, and understanding of life. The perception is not altogether same in all human beings; In fact, it varies significantly from person to person. 

For example, a child is captivated by the colors of the jelly bean and takes them to be real. For a scientist, the colors are nothing but the excitement of the sub-atomic particles. He thinks them in a metaphysical way. For a seer, the jelly bean is altogether absent. He perceives them as a modification of the subject.

Therefore, a child enjoys the taste of the jelly bean. A scientist modifies the properties of the jelly bean into something different. A seer tries to get rid of the false identification of the jelly bean.

We will see more of the last perception.

Objects are void and do not have existence on its own except that it exists as one of the three states of subjective modification. The three states of subjective modifications are,

1.     Rising of objects in the field of mind
2.     The perception of void
3.     The disappearance of the objects

Rising of objects:

            In the beginning, the subject existed in a state of static. The static is peace untouched by any object. Then the subject is clothed in the so-called human configuration. The subject then lost in the human configuration, is completely in a mess with the dynamics of human configuration. The human configuration is made to look at the material world of objects by way of sensory organs. The subject then goes on modifying itself to identify the sense objects. 

              The static trying to be in a state of equilibrium with the dynamic objects or the static wishes to be in sync with the dynamic objects. This is how constantly we are trying to be in, to be in sync with dynamic objects. This is how the field of objects arises.

Perception of void:

            In the process of syncing, the subject perceives the void accompanied by the sense objects. The infinite subject could not sync with the finite objects and therefore, it tries syncing again. It is like syncing an iPod. We are repeating the process but it is a failure. 

             For example, we eat an ice cream and we are not satisfied with it. It is gone is a flash. It is no more. We actually perceive a void and we go for another to sync it. But it too fails and we go for another. We try this process until the energy in the human configuration is drained.

In all sensory enjoyments we perceive the void and therefore, we go for more. The void therefore, becomes the property of sense objects and void, in turn, becomes the sense objects itself. Therefore, all sensory objects are nothing but void.

Disappearance of objects:

            Having experienced the void, the subject tries to disconnect the syncing process. This is the beginning of disappearance of the objects. As the subject gathers more experience about the voidness of the objects, the more it likes to disconnect with it. The subject tries to regain the static in the human configuration. It resolves all the mess involved with this configuration. It resolves until the subject does not modify itself to identify the object.

This is what Buddha meant when he said ‘See the object as it is’ i.e. seeing the void in it. Therefore see the object as it is.

Thank You.

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