Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Formula for R.I.P

'Please don't bother about R.I.P...that comes later in life.' If you are the one who think in this fashion then you are wrong. You die everyday, unconsciously, even without your knowing by succumbing to sense objects. Though physically alive, we die in the self. 

Death is nothing but the summation of or cumulative effect of individual acts of deaths, which we experience in everyday life by succumbing to sense objects, culminating in the demise of the physical body. 

The formula for R.I.P is,

D1+D2+D3+…. +Dn = ∑D

Where D1, D2, Dn refers to individual acts of death and ∑D refers to the culmination of individual deaths or demise of the body.

So, what are these individual acts of death? Do we really die every day? Here is the explanation.

There are many ways in which we experience this individual acts of death but hardly we are conscious of it. For example,

Death by colors:

Have you ever come across hoardings of popular television brands across showrooms, throwing out latest technologies with advanced screen resolutions like 720p, 1080p, 4K UHD, 8K UHD etc., ever wondered why the brands are buoying up for such high resolutions? Though such technologies find implements in medical applications, but the concept of high resolution combined with entertainment presents one of the formidable sense objects to shake with.

The color is invariably associated with sense objects. But the colors associated with nature are harmless. For example, the colors of sunrise or sunset are something which is elevating. The artificial or man-made objects-color combination presents a veritable sense object.

We succumb to these combinations of objects-color, which gives an idea of permanence and fall for it. We thereby get locked and bind ourselves to an idea of finite self. This is nothing sort of an act of death. Though physically alive, we are dead in the self.

Death by taste:

                The combination of Objects-Color-Taste again presents a formidable sense object…..


 Could you please stop here! Are you going to say that life should be like a water, a colorless and tasteless substance instead of a juice or candy? Life without colors and taste is meaningless and empty.

The answer....

You may take a juice or a candy but look at the label behind. It says added artificial colors, taste enhancers and other artificial stuff which is certainly going to harm you but water doesn’t.

The point here is not about food or television but about the sense objects which are clothed in the permanence of colors and in the permanence of tastes. It is about objects which again deludes the mind and which is not going to be satisfied when you succumb to it and which is going to generate a painful experience in life.

We at several points and at several instances give way or succumb to these objects which according to me is death and not the one which comes at a later stage in life.

Thank You.

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