Friday, August 28, 2015

The Differentiation and Integration of Universal Consciousness

The man is a Universal Being. The attributes of love, sacrifice, feelings for the man in suffering, and unselfishness etc. points out the inherent universal consciousness in man. Universal consciousness is that which transcends the individual consciousness, and its associated attributes of ‘I’, ‘Me’, ‘Mine’, body, language, culture, religion and nation etc. For example, love cannot be pertained to be an attribute of a particular person, race or religion. It is universal. The whole lot of suffering of mankind is due to the fact of ignorance of the universal consciousness of man. As soon as man understands his stature, in proportion to the universal consciousness, his or her suffering ceases.

Universal consciousness:

                In the universe, there is rise and fall. Rise and fall of objects, rise and fall of civilizations, rise and fall of nations, rise and fall of celestial systems and so on. The question is where do they rise from and where do they fall. The rise and fall are in a static or in a universal substratum or consciousness, which again is both static and dynamic as we see, which again is infinite, and which doesn’t come under the confines of a space-time continuum.

Rise and fall of celestial bodies

The famous analogy is the ocean. As we go deep into the ocean, we find that it is static; but on the surface, there is a tumult of rising and falling of the waves. The objects rise and melt away in the ocean of universal consciousness.

                Similarly, the man, in essence, is infinite like the ocean. But the problem of man, is that he identifies himself with the drop or a wave, which it seems to have a form, which it seems to have a rise and fall, which it seems to have attributes, which it seems to have differentiated from the ocean, which it seems to be a finite entity, Which it seems to have a time in the process of rising and falling and so on. But don’t worry, man is infinite.

Differentiation of Universal consciousness:

                This is what we are now, differentiation of universal consciousness, with a body – to perform all physiological activities; with a mind – to perform critical reasoning and cognition; with the elements – which make up the body; with innumerable identifications – identification in the form of biological inheritance, identification in terms of age – child, youth and old etc., identification in terms of colour and beauty, identification in terms of race, identification in terms of religion, identification in terms of country, identification in terms of innumerable institutions. The list goes on.

                The root of all this identification lies in ‘I’ - the wave or a drop in the ocean, which has all the individual attributes mentioned above. Man thinks he is the wave - finite, subjected to rising and falling – birth and death, subjected to time, subjected to form – in a body, subjected to all finiteness in every way. 

Wave - Finite

             This is what we call ignorance. Ignorance of wrong understanding of our own selves, in terms of finite consciousness, but, in reality, a universal consciousness. That is why, sometimes, the questions persist in our mind, who am I? How I came into being? what am I? and so on. Now let’s move on a wave to the ocean.

Integration with Universal Consciousness:

                Drop all identifications, be free and dissolve yourselves into the ocean – infinite. As long as identification exists, man is subjected to suffering in finiteness. To integrate ourselves with the universal consciousness, we have to dissociate with the sense objects, associated with the individual consciousness. Conversely, we have to think more of the world and less of ourselves. Only non-violence and love can integrate with the whole world. Man cannot grow except reaching out to the whole world, in terms of help for the suffering ones, in terms of love, in terms of prayer, in terms of meditation etc.,

Ocean - Infinite

            The man has to move from person to principle, higher principles of life. As man progresses, he becomes the principle itself. There is no death for a principle. The ‘I’ must be done with, make sure that it does not sprout again. When you have done away with it, the universal consciousness reveals itself. The man then becomes synonymous with it. There is no way but to make headway with the universal consciousness.

Thank You.

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