Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The 5S Principle: Its Implements in Spiritual Life

Straight to the point. This principle holds good for spiritual life as well. We are all well aware of the fact that this principle is applied in industries and in households as a standard practice for cleanliness and efficiency. Surprisingly this is the method or the route which we have to follow for discovering and unraveling our infinite selves.
Here is the brief overview of this principle. The 5S principle stands for the Japanese words Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke.

1.    Seiri – Sorting out necessary and unnecessary objects.
2. Seiton – Setting the objects in order by proper arrangement.
3.   Seiso – Cleaning the workplace on a regular basis.
4. Seiketsu – Standardizing the process of sorting, arrangement, and cleaning.
5.    Shitsuke – Sustaining the above process.
We will now apply this principle in our spiritual practice. It is only the practice of this principle that is likely to bring results. Therefore, keep experimenting with this principle. We will have a brief overview of how to do it.


As we have concluded from our past experience, that the sense objects invariably brings pain, we are going to avoid it in future. So the first thing would be segregating sense objects from the non-sense objects. We are going to remove the clutter of sense objects from our lives forever. So our effort must be made in identifying and discarding the sense objects once for all.

How to differentiate between a sense object and a non-sense object? The sense objects exist for the sole purpose of enjoyment, whereas the non-sense objects exist for the purpose of utility and resourcefulness in our daily lives.

In Short: Sort out and discard sense objects.


                After discarding the sense objects, the next step would be to sustain a life without these objects. Care must be taken to avoid all contacts with these objects. All external movement of the mind towards sense objects has to be barred.

                As we progress in this principle, we will find that the subject – the infinite self is reflected in the objects outside. For example: When we clean our house, it is not a mere cleaning, but cleaning our ‘selves’. When we wash our clothes, it is not a mere washing, but cleaning our ‘selves’. We will now do this process in a conscious way.

                Now we will sort out the non-sense objects. The rules are here,

1.       Keep minimum objects.
2.       Pack the rest.
3.       Take the rest only when it is necessary.
4.       keep the objects in the same place.   

By this rule, we can solve a maximum number of problems. Many times we search for objects in the entire house only to find it in the midst of ourselves. We will have clear, precise goals with a minimum number of objects.

In short: Keep a minimum number of objects.


After having a minimum number of objects, the next step would be to clean it. The only rule is ‘you have to clean it daily’. As mentioned earlier, we are not cleaning our house or objects, but cleaning ourselves. The pure self is superimposed on the objects outside.
The same is applicable in our workplace as well. We should work not for the objects but for the sake of cleaning ourselves or unfolding our spiritual selves. Everything must be given a subjective turn. By this way the mind grows sharper, subtle and clean, thereby doing the work efficiently, and at the same time revealing our subject.

In Short: You have to it clean every day.


                Spiritual goals cannot be attained in one shot. Those who give up sense objects for a day will find themselves, the objects appear redoubled. Because beneath the layers of the mind, there are hard sense impressions which bring these objects again to the sensual plane.

              Now is the time to avoid contact and say ‘No’, but in spite of our preparations we may succumb to the sense objects again, and experience the painful part. Therefore, the process has to be repeated. We are already doing this in our lives unconsciously. But the time taken to come to our senses is much longer than we do it consciously. Therefore repeating the process is necessary.

                Just like in a computer where temporary files are generated, so also here we generate these objects, in spite of our best caution, and therefore we clean them again. Here are some rules,

1.       Take up work which negates ‘I’ and sense impressions.
2.       Do exercise regularly.
3.       Discard-sort-clean the sense objects regularly.

In Short: Repeat - discard, sort and clean the sense objects.


                The result of above process is peace-infinite. You will inhale fresh air, will find peace everywhere – in your movements, in your work, in doing all daily chores. The peace will not let you go. Another great result is that the mind is now ripe or ready for meditation. Having cleansed the subject-object outside, we now shut down the objective world completely and remain ourselves on the subject.

                There are a great joy and peace in remaining ourselves in the subject, not letting the mind go outside and not experiencing the painful part. The other aspect is to identify yourself with the whole world. You feeling for the world will grow and you will become a humanitarian. You no longer think about yourselves but always for the welfare of others. This is the process and in the end, your will find yourselves in gigantic proportions – in your infinite self.

In Short: Meditate and pray

Thank You.

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