Friday, November 13, 2015

10 Steps to Spirituality.

1.       Do not injure.
2.       Do not form sense-impressions.
3.       Do not be swayed by joys and sorrows.
4.       Cut off all attachment.
5.       Do not complain.
6.       Do not feel helpless.
7.       Exercise daily.
8.       Be Truthful in work.
9.       Meditate and pray for others.
10.    Be the last for liberation.

1.       Do not injure:

Non-injury is to refrain from doing harm to the body of others. The body is precious not for the fact that we live and enjoy through it, but for the fact that the highest spiritual illumination (Samadhi) is attained through it. Therefore, body ought not to be harmed, for the fact, that it bars the spiritual progress of beings. Highest non-violence is the basis of true religion. Therefore, do not injure.

2.       Do not form sense-impressions:

Sense-impressions implies death, and death implies rebirth, and rebirth implies suffering. Unless all sense impressions are stopped, Samadhi cannot be attained. Sense impressions simply draw us out towards action, motivated by desires, which is centered on the idea of body, and which creates additional karma, and which at last brings suffering.  Therefore, do not form any sense-impressions.
Yoga is stopping the sense-impressions from taking shape.

3.       Do not be swayed by joys and sorrows:

Our lives are a constant oscillation between joys and sorrows. Joys and sorrows are always attached to a system or a structure or an object in which we are involved in. By this constant oscillation, we lose our spiritual end in sight and get lost in the quagmire of the cycle of joys and sorrows. We then become a finite entity, confined to a body or an object or a system or a structure. Therefore, don’t get swayed by joys and sorrows.

Don't be swayed.

4.       Cut off all attachment:

This is the root of all our problems - attachment. We get attached and receive blows, and yet we could not retreat. Attachment is an idea rooted in the false-self that doesn’t exist, and that is the reason why we find sometimes our life appear like a mirage as if it were a shadow. Attachment is nothing but an emotional layer, clinging to a false-self for survival. As soon as the cover of false-self is blown, man loses his objective-identity and suffers. Attachment = Suffering; therefore, be detached.

5.        Do not complain:

Complaining is a sign of weakness. We create our own lives, and, therefore, we are responsible for what we are now. Always remember that there is no hindrance in our lives, expect that we bring in. We form goals, we then block it, and then we complain. Therefore, stop complaining, clear the blocks by yourselves, and steer towards the goal.

6.       Do not feel helpless:

Helplessness is a sign of weakness. Helplessness indicates that we are obsessed with our own selves and that we lack a broad vision for humanity. Start doing things to yourself and the whole world will follow you. The first person who is going to help you in your life is yourself. Therefore, do not feel helpless.
Do not feel Helpless

7.       Exercise daily:

Body, mind, and spirit are interconnected. The body has its own basic functionality and basic needs like food, sleep and work. Everything must be tuned to an optimum level so that our minds are focused on higher planes of spirituality. Exercising is like refreshing our body, which in turn helps in forming a posture or asana, from which we can consistently focus on higher planes of spirituality. Therefore, exercise to meditate.
Run everyday

8.       Be Truthful in work:

This life is nothing but a test of truthfulness. Why should we be truthful? The answer is simple – This life system is based on truthfulness. Truthfulness needs complete detachment and even demands complete sacrifice. Sacrifice for nothing? By Sacrifice, we grow from a finite to an infinite stature.

Truth alone Triumphs

9.       Meditate and pray for others:

The solution for the problems of our lives must be universal. Any spiritual solution must be universal, otherwise, it is merely a farce. Therefore, the problem of others is the problem of yours as well. When men, animals, and the world suffer, we cannot simply remain quiet, for it is our responsibility to resolve it. Therefore, meditate and pray for others.

Meditate and Pray

10.   Be the last for liberation:

Always help others, and be the last even if it mean death. Do not take on privileges even in liberation. Help others to go through the process and be the last in liberation.
Thank You.

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