Sunday, November 29, 2015

Why America needs the ideal of Mahatma Gandhi more than ever.

Civil War:

          It is said that when a nation becomes too powerful, and when there are no external threats to its existence, the nation dies by itself, by means of a civil war. The Charleston church shooting bears testimony to this fact, when 21-year-old Dylan Roof, the shooter, posed for a photograph with a confederate flag. 

Civil War

Civil war does not necessarily mean a powerful rebel warring-faction, with an ideology of its own, fighting a war with modern weapons. As warfare is constantly evolving, and when the freedom of the society is so unhindered, that anyone and everyone can possess a gun, and when it falls into the hands of the Psychopaths, the result is a civil war. 

The ideals:

          Where lies the problem? It is in basics. Society must be built upon a strong coherent ideal, and when the ideal crumbles, the nation disintegrates. American Society had very great ideals in the beginning, with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and other great patriots providing an ideal framework for the nation’s foundation. It immediately becomes manifest when the Americans proclaimed neutrality and did not side with France, in a war against Britain. Abraham Lincoln saved the union, and the nation fought for high ideals i.e., the emancipation of slavery and equality of man.

Washington and Abe

           These ideals which had hold the American society is slowly giving way to a degenerative form of chaos. People take the name of freedom to justify violence. The expression of freedom must be in the form of non-violence. Freedom and violence don't go together.

Founding Fathers of USA

             Today, the young American generation take to the killing at a very young age, in the form of shooting games, expressing freedom in the form of violence, bullying others, in the development of abnormalities, in the development of mental problems, and when they grow, they resort to violence, to express themselves. The nation has lost its ideal. The young generation, failed to understand the meaning of strength and weakness, failed to understand the meaning of freedom, failed to understand the meaning of love and life.

There is one man whose ideals resonates even today. I feel the man has found an antidote to violence. Every contemporary violent-society needs to embrace his philosophy and ideals to save themselves. He is none other than our Mahatma Gandhi. The gun-toting kids, mass shootings, racial hatreds, violence motivated by anger, will all vanish into thin air when they learn of this beautiful philosophy of non-violence. Below are the six quotes of Mahatma Gandhi, and is the medicine for every violent society to redeem themselves.

The Six quotes:

1. Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong.

2. Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.

3. The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

4. An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

5. Whenever you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love.

6. Where there is love there is life.

These ideals had been put to test by Mahatma Gandhi, under the most violent circumstances, and under the very nose of the British Empire, who were then the global superpower. And what happened at last was that a spinning wheel toppled a battle tank.

Mahatma Gandhi

Thank You.

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1 comment:

  1. Good one....but IMO, the world needs some time to rest and introspect....
