Monday, June 20, 2016

The Search for a Perfect Reality

Spirituality is a search for a perfect reality. The reality around us is a flawed one, beset by many limitations. There is a limitation of the body – in the form of pain, disease, and death. There is a limitation in the sensory enjoyments – in the form of duration, the conversion of pleasure into pain, the degrading nature of the sensory pleasures, the loss of energy, and the unsatisfactory nature of such enjoyments. There is a limitation in the emotional level – in terms of pain arising out of the emotional attachment towards a person or a thing, in terms of hindrances which arise as the result of emotional attachment, and in terms of delusion which arise as a result of such attachment.

The present reality can be summed up in one word – limitation. Most of us do not recognize this reality because the present life offers all forms of security – in terms of wealth, and in the form of near and dear ones. Men in general, build the world of reality around these objects. And when the reality crumbles, it leaves them confused. The reality which had been so far a ‘picture-perfect’ had now become ‘picture-imperfect’. But many, instead of finding a perfect reality, again take recourse to the old method of finding reality in the objects. They always try to reconcile themselves to the present reality, irrespective of the calamity that has befallen. They simply lack the essential strength to find out the perfect reality. They had become weak, having had lived their lives around these objects. They cannot altogether shake off these impermanent objects to find the real one. But a time comes when nature will forcibly make us do.

The search for perfect reality.

We have known the imperfections of the present reality, and therefore, the perfect reality should be free from all these defects. And these are the pre-requisites of this perfect reality.

1.   A reality which is free from all bodily limitations – of pain, disease, and death.
2.  A reality which is free from all limitations arising out of the material objects.
3.    A reality which is free from all emotional limitations.
4.  A reality in which we derive infinite joy or bliss, or a reality devoid of pain altogether.
5. A reality which is infinite, not bound by time, space, and causation.

Religion is a way of finding out the perfect reality. There are many spiritual solutions which the religions offer. The Hindu religion offers a wide range of spiritual solutions, starting from a God with name and form, to Brahman, which is devoid of name and form. The Samkhya and Yoga offers a solution of freedom of Purusha from the bondage of Prakriti. The Buddhist religion, offer a solution of middle path and nirvana to arrive at the perfect reality.

One has to choose the right means to arrive at the perfect reality, according to the spiritual temperament.

The perfect reality is universal in character. Men are generally of the opinion that perfect reality involves the annihilation of the individual being, whereas, in reality, the perfect reality is but the expansion of the individual being into a universal being. A universal being, cannot be of infinite stature in the form of a body. One cannot have a body of the stature of this universe. One can exist as a universal being, in the form of a higher reality – a pure, perfect, and a being devoid of name and form.

I am Universal; I live in all. 

Therefore, all spiritual progress is towards a reality devoid of name and form and a reality which gives absolute joy and peace. Therefore, move towards this perfect reality and shed off this unreal images. The idea of body is nothing but ignorance. Shake off  this ignorance and be perfectly free.

Thank You. 

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