Saturday, January 23, 2016

Event-Driven Programming in Man for Self-Revelation.

Everyone knows of what an event-driven programming is like. We make a program which responds to an external event, for example, a right-click on a button or pressing a key on a keyboard and so on. A typical VB program. We in our lives, right from our childhood, there are millions of event-driven 'incidents', generating them continually, and revealing ourselves of who we actually are. These events are not of external origin, as we normally think, but of our own making. We make our own events to find out who we actually are.

An event is bound to happen in nature. This earth, and all its living and non-living entities, are part of a grand scheme made for the outcome of events. All beings have to overcome nature at every instant for survival. These so-called survival events are generated in relation to the body. For example, in animals, the events are mostly the tests for survival and there it ends. We can, therefore, find these animals to be too sensitive in response to an external threat posed by nature and other species. Their survival instincts are so subtle that they can detect danger at a great distance. For example, birds are very sensitive to dangers from nature and other species. Animals all throughout their lives, fight for the survival, and events are mostly generated on the platform of nature only for survival.

Survival event - Watch out for the threat.

But in the case of human beings, it is altogether different. Human beings are made for evolution, and therefore, events in human beings are made for more than survival. But initially, when we are born, we too face the same threat as that of animals. We have the threat of disease always looming over our heads and a threat from nature. Remember the day when we were sick, when we contracted malaria, jaundice, and chickenpox and so on. These events are generated by us to reveal our survival against nature. They are the events for self-revelation and every human being has to pass through these events. Nowadays we have modern medical technologies to cope with the threat from disease and nature.

Man since he survived from the physical threat level, events will be unfolded in a way to go beyond the physical threat level. Next, comes the stage when we grow up. We have to go to school to receive education, and now we are no more in our cozy homes. We gradually train to become part of the society. Now, man generates events to test his adaptability to his society. Remember the first day when we were in school, and remember how many of us made friends on day one? In my case, I don’t remember exactly what happened on that day but naturally cried a lot, for I have lost the security from my home and parents. The school is just an event to graduate into the social level. Here comes the building up of personality in school. We gradually become more conscious of our self-image and we develop our own character.

Slowly, we reveal more of ourselves about our moral and ethical nature. This is the stage where we develop these basic qualities of ‘Yama’ and ‘Niyama’. The events we generate come in such a way that we unfold them to know more about our moral qualities.

Ahimsa – The first day when we fought with our so-called enemies in our class. We generated these events to test our capacity for non-violence.

Ahimsa tested.

Satya – When we lied to our teacher and parents regarding our homework and marks. We generated these events to test our capacity for truthfulness.

Asteya – The day when we stole an object from someone. We generated these events to test our non-stealing resolve.

Brahmacharya – Of course these tests comes later. But they test our capacity for our susceptibility and of our conduct towards opposite sex.

Aparigraha – When we don’t accept of what is freely given. When we take a freebie from someone, we lose our freedom and discretion, and this is a test for that resolve.

These tests continue in our lives as long as we don’t develop them. If these qualities are not formed, we generate them continually till we attain a sort of infallible nature from these moral qualities. These are very crucial stages in our lives and our children must be taught these qualities. If they don’t develop them, they are going to generate events till they sort out.

For example, a boy or a girl can master these moral precepts and put into practice at an age of 16, and someone who has not mastered these qualities will generate events till he attains those qualities. We now at this age we must examine ourselves, do we have the capacity for violence? Do we have the capacity to tell lies? Do we have the capacity to steal? Do we have the capacity for wrong conduct? And do we accept any freebies or favor for something? If we are clean with them, then events will unfold for a greater evolution, and if not the events will be generated to test and develop these moral qualities.

Next comes the set of events that will turn our lives upside down. We have evolved from physical threat level, and we become morally infallible, and next comes the test of who actually we are? Do you remember the day when we saw the dead man for the first time, and do we remember the day when we saw people of old age, and people who suffer from the terminal disease? Everyone in their lives would have generated these events for evolution. A person who is awakened will accept the challenge of these events and pursue the evolution path.

Four sights of Buddha.

Remember Buddha, he at once understood that he has to evolve, and shed his life altogether on seeing the above-mentioned sights. And mankind has to evolve spiritually, and until then the test continues. If one has rightly understood, one would search for higher things, and if not they continue to experience the tests of evolution. We keep generating these events until we attain the highest truth. If you think that spirituality is not yours, and it is a vocation meant for our friend Vishnu Shankar, then you are wrong. Because the event-driven programming kind of thing which is in you, will make you reveal, and continue to evolve till you attain the highest goal.

The struggle doesn’t end when one has given up the world. Buddha had to face many temptations, it tested his lure of the opposite sex, and tested his ability to stand against bodily corruption and so on. The struggle continues and tests continue until we attain the highest goal i.e., liberation.

Mara the tempter.

Some generate events and learn quickly and attain freedom like Buddha. For others it, may take a single life time to many births, until he understands the truth. But the happiest thing is that everyone is going to attain it for sure. Some earlier and some later and so on. Remember all your past events and how far did you evolve? You cannot escape kid.

Thank You.

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