Sunday, January 17, 2016

Samkhya: The solution for all problems in life.

Indian Philosophy:

Samkhya? What is that? If you hear this word for the first time, then pat yourself. Our knowledge about our religion is null and void.

Samkhya is one of the six systems of Indian philosophy, which acknowledges the authority of the Vedas. What are they?

1.       Nyaya
2.       Vaisheshika
3.       Samkhya
4.       Yoga
5.       Purva Mimamsa and,
6.       Uttara Mimamsa or Vedanta

Samkhya and Yoga:

What is unique about Samkhya is that it is regarded as the oldest system of philosophy developed by Indian minds, and is the only system which doesn’t recognize an Iswara or a God. It is a system but lacks a practical application. On the other hand, Yoga philosophy has the practical application and is based on Samkhya, with one minor difference - that it accepts an Iswara or a God. Samkhya and Yoga complement each other. It is just like a programming language and its application.

Prakriti and Purusha:

Prakriti is the summation of all energy and matter in the universe. The ego, the mind, the five elements, the five senses, the body, and all matter in the universe forms Prakriti. Purusha is pure consciousness. Purusha is static; whereas Prakriti is dynamic. What we are now is the seeming combination of Purusha and Prakriti.


Prakriti is that which brings the whole picture and presents it to Purusha. In short, Prakriti works for Purusha. Why does it work? Now this is the fundamental question. Why all this? Why all this mobility in the universe? Why is all this happening? Why are we born? Why do we live? and Why do we die? Why are we swayed by emotions? Why are we sometimes happy and sometimes not? Why there is a body? Why do we act in fury? Why do we eat and live at all? Why this life? etc.

The reason why all this is happening is for the liberation of Purusha. We will see more in detail.


The seemingly joining together of Prakriti and Purusha is called 'Samyoga' or simply ‘bondage’. It is a seeming bondage situation. The condition of Purusha under Prakriti looks as if it is in a state of bondage, but actually not. Why did this bondage happen? It is a more primordial question. The best answer is, Why did you come yourself into bondage? It is because we are ignorant of our real nature and that is pure consciousness. We have conjoined ourselves with Prakriti.

So, what is the result of Samyoga or bondage? Simple, it is the pain. It is suffering. In fact, Samkhya begins with the attestation of the fact that there are pain and suffering in this world. Remember, this is said much earlier than the Buddha.

Now why there is Pain? It is because of Gunas.

The Three Gunas:

                Gunas are the modes of operation of Prakriti on Purusha. For example, Sun is considered as a Purusha and the lake as Prakriti. Now, when the lake is quiet and calm, it reflects the sun as it is. But, when the lake is in waves, that is when energy acts upon matter, the sun is not clearly reflected in the lake. When there is turbulence in the lake, this reflection is completely lost. Now, these are the three states of Prakriti or the three modes of operation of Prakriti.

One is calm and quiet, without any influence of Prakriti, and it is called ‘Sattva’, and this is the state in which the pure consciousness is reflected clearly. The second one refers to ‘Rajas’ or restlessness, indicated by waves, the state in which energy acts upon matter. It distorts the view of pure consciousness. The third one is turbulence. It is called ‘Tamas’. The view of pure consciousness is completely lost in this state.

                Calmness, restlessness, and stupidity refer to Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. As long as we are under the influence of Prakriti, Gunas continue to change and confer suffering upon Purusha. Sattva is the only state which is devoid of suffering, because the waves cease, and the pure consciousness is seen clearly. The Rajas and Tamas continue to inflict pain upon pain.

                How long this drama happens? As long as we need. It is just like playing with a toy. We feel happy with the toy but at one point we get bored and throw it all together. Then we are without a toy, in rest and peace.

As long as we need.


                The one greatest thing about Samkhya is that it doesn’t condemn Prakriti as evil. The greatest positive thing ever uttered by any religion is this ‘that Prakriti acts for the liberation of Purusha’. When we face dark moments in our lives, know for sure that we are progressing towards liberation. When we are happy, know that we are on it. When we are in a state of remorse, know that we are on track.

                When we feel the need for liberation, we give up the Prakriti altogether. Till then have a nice experience of Gunas. When we don’t feel the need to windup, don’t look for spirituality, it is useless. It is the experience that matters.

                The message is this: Knowingly are unknowingly everyone is towards liberation. Remember we are by nature of pure consciousness and not soiled by anything.

Our nature - Pure consciousness

Thank You.

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