Monday, January 25, 2016

Vedanta - The Search For ‘One’.

We in our lives are searching for ‘one’, knowing which we would be able to solve all the problems in our lives. The scientists are busy searching for a fundamental particle, which is nothing but the search for one, and knowing which they would able to solve all the problems in the universe. This is the mother of all sciences and this is the mother of all spirituality – the search for ‘One’.

Vedanta is one of the ancient system of Indian philosophy, the truths of which our ancient seers have experienced, and put into a systematic form by our subsequent Acharyas. The ancient and modern seers have seen this truth, have experienced this truth, and have transmitted this truth from Guru to disciple, and the knowledge of which is considered to be of paramount importance. That is the reason why we hold our Gurus in high regard, and we have every reason to believe that the sacred mantra which we received from our Guru, originated directly from the Vedas itself, and transmitted by the Guru Parampara.

What is this ‘One’ is like? Take, for example, computers. In computers, there is a programming language and a machine level language. All programming languages are broken down into a machine level language, which is nothing but 0’s and 1’s. But we could not actually see the 0’s and 1’s. What we could see is the output in the form of an interface, like an operating system. Similarly in Vedanta, there is a fundamental 'One'. 

Vedanta takes us from the gross world to the subtle world, and from the subtle world to the ‘one’, just like we go from OS to Programming language, and from programming language to machine level language. And again, Vedanta traverses from ‘One’ to many, just like we come from machine level language to programming language, and from programming language to interface and so on. The only difference between the Vedanta of Hinduism and Sunyavada of Buddhism is that the former holds the fundamental truth to be ‘1’, whereas the latter holds the fundamental truth to be ‘0’.

Machine level language.

Therefore, the Vedantic scriptures are replete with meditations from many to ‘One’, and from ‘One’ to many. They are also replete with meditations of the fundamental ‘One’ pervading the whole universe and so on. They are also replete with meditations of origin and dissolution of the universe and so on. Vedanta concludes, that the ‘One’ in man is ultimately synonymous with the Universal One (Brahman-Atman Akiyam). What exists is actually the ‘Universal One’ or Brahman. The seemingly manifold universe is because of ‘Maya’ or illusion.

Vedanta prescribes some basic qualifications for the seeker of this ultimate truth. They are the qualifications of self-restraint and so on. The seeker of truth should approach an illumined Guru or the knower of Brahman earnestly, and the Guru, in turn, showers his grace on his disciple and teaches the ultimate truth. The Guru then instructs the mode of spiritual practice or contemplating upon truth. The disciple then puts his effort assiduously, and contemplates upon the nature of ‘One’, and ultimately succeeds in attaining the truth, culminating in the form of an experience. The disciple then becomes free from all ‘Upadhis’ or limitations originating from ignorance or Maya. He then becomes free from the cycle of repeated existence in the human body.

Vedanta recognizes two aspects of Brahman. One is Saguna Brahman (Brahman with attributes) and Nirguna Brahman (Brahman as a whole or without attributes). Saguna Brahman is our Gods and Goddesses, and our Avatars, where the Brahman or the Knowledge of Brahman is manifested in its fullness. Rama, Krishna, and Ramakrishna are the great Avatars, who have manifested this fullness of the Brahman.

Rama - Fullness of Brahman is manifested in this divine form.
 Our whole country is built upon this grand edifice of Vedanta. Our nation is integrated into the form of relationship between Guru and a disciple. It is very important for a seeker of Vedantic truths to approach a Guru and know these truths. As a Hindu race, it then becomes the duty of every Hindu to seek a Guru and get initiated by the mantra. The purpose of receiving mantra is only for the attainment of the knowledge of Brahman and not by any other means.

Sri Ramakrishna is the great Avatar of this age, and the greatest ever since, for he practiced and attained the truths of all religions. He found the ultimate truths of all religions to be ‘One’. The greatest thing about Sri Ramakrishna is his humility, which comes from the fullness of the knowledge of Brahman. If someone addresses him as Guru, he feels great pain, and if someone asks for some ‘upadesa’ he says, what do I know? He don’t even hurt a grass and doesn’t stand on anyone. He supports everyone who seeks his refugee. He is the incarnation of purity itself. He is our light in the moments of darkness. 

Thank You.

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