Friday, February 26, 2016

Confronting the Present Reality.

The present reality forms the basis of life. Men often find themselves in a hypothetical reality far removed from the real one. The hypothetical reality offers the man the much-needed cover to mask the real one. It is akin to building castles in the air. When the mask falls or when the dream crashes, men find themselves in a position of weakness and often get angry. They cannot stand the sight of the real one and therefore, start building the castles once again.

Are you in present reality?

There are many reasons why men cannot stand the sight of the present reality. One of the foremost reason is the inability of the mind to hold on itself. Also, men cannot stand the shock of the peace which the present reality offers. Yes, peace comes as a shock to the man. Because peace unveils the layers within, and men cannot stand the sight of the hidden layers of the mind. From the childhood, men are unconsciously trained to live in a hypothetical reality. The reason why men run after the hypothetical reality is due to the ill-training of the mind.

As soon as a man wakes up in the morning, he cannot stand the reality of the day. Men wanted to remain engaged in Tamas or sleep forever. Sometimes men do not have a clear universal goal to strive for and therefore, they fall asleep again. All other subsequent tasks then become botched up, either forgetting this or that. Then we come late for work, and the misery continues for the whole day until we leave the office.

Afraid of confronting the day?

In some cases, man gets engaged in hypothetical reality as soon as he gets up in the morning. Man either gets engaged to social media or television programmes. Sometimes radio, newspapers, and eating without appetite and so on. Too much engagement in such hypothetical realities ruins the body. The body then becomes weak, gradually paving the way for a disease. The physical activity goes down, and the balance in the body is lost.

There are many effects of addiction to the hypothetical reality. We forget to clean ourselves and our surroundings as a result. The unfinished businesses keep piling up, and the promises are not kept on time. Therefore, confronting the real world is a great challenge. It needs constant attention and the gradual training of the mind. There must be a clear understanding of the goal in life. The goal must be in consonance with the present reality. The goal must be a solution for the life's problem. The goal must be a solution for all the pain and suffering in the world. Men are considered awake only when they understand and appreciate the full picture of the present reality.

Home cleaning - the first steps to present reality

The mind must be trained to withdraw from all the hypothetical realities. When a man withdraws from these realities, he remains in peace. Men engage in a tall talk about peace but is actually clueless about the means to find it. Peace is found within and only at the present. Discard all hypothetical realities and remain in peace forever.

Thank You.

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