Wednesday, February 3, 2016

How to stop addiction?

Addiction not only ruins a man but ruins the nation as well. In the past men waged war and plotted against rulers by understanding their weaknesses and addiction for a specific object. Addiction brings down a man to the level of animals and ultimately brings death. Addiction is the one which ties us down to the material phenomena and in the realization of the self. It then becomes the duty on our part to strive against these addictive forces which are potentially harmful to our entire humanity.

There are different kinds of addiction. Addiction to alcohol, addiction to smoking, addiction to stealing, addiction to the internet and addiction to certain foodstuff and so on. All kinds of addiction are related to a particular sense organ in which we derive pleasure therefrom. For some kind of addiction like smoking a proper medical care and counselling is essential since it involves chemical substances in the brain. But addiction can be overcome by a strong will power and understanding of how addiction works.

Smoking Kills.

How addiction works:

                The eye is the most powerful camera in the world. It takes millions of pictures in a lifetime. Every day we take pictures of several objects that crosses us. But there are only a few pictures which are deeply impressed. According to Patanjali Yoga Sutras, there are two types of these impressions. One is the impression which generates pain and another is the impression which doesn’t. Here is the test below. Look at the two kinds of pictures and find out which one impresses you the most.

A movie poster

A day to day Political poster.

One is the poster associated with a movie and another a normal one. It is obvious that the first one impresses you the most. Once the colour and the shape of the objects gets in sync with the sense organs it creates an impression with a potential for future action. Whereas the other one doesn’t form a potential action and simply fades down in the lane of memory.

Now our entire system is geared up to receive the object. An action is triggered followed by the experience of the object. But the story doesn’t end here. Man wants more. He then develops a habit for the particular object, and when the habits are strengthened it becomes an addiction. Since the sense objects are not available freely, man resorts to illegal means to obtain them. If anyone bars the person from attaining the object, he resorts to violence. Thus, step by step man loses control over himself, and the senses become too powerful to control them. When the sense rules us, it brings down to the level of animals and ultimately brings death at any moment. This is the process.

Seeing an object – experience – the need for more – habit – addiction – illegal methods – violence – death.

How to stop addiction?

Seeing the pain in the object – The difference between a vision of the ordinary mind and the vision of the yogi is this that the former doesn’t perceive pain associated with objects whereas the latter perceives it. The former goes through the experience whereas the latter sees them in his vision of the mind. A glance at a sense object for an ordinary mind brings up the prospect of enjoyment whereas for the latter a glance at the sense object means millions of repeated births and deaths. The first and the foremost thing which is necessary to stop addiction is to stop seeing them. And if you happen to see them repeat the above process in your mind. Think of the resulting consequences. In short, stop seeing addictive objects.

Proximity to the sense object – It happens many times that we have easy access to these sense objects. Proximity the sense objects is dangerous as there are chances of falling into it repeatedly. Move away from the sense object as much as possible and do not put them in your direct vision. A change of atmosphere or a change of environment will do a greater help in stopping addiction to sense objects. In short, move away from sense objects.

Find out the root – Sense objects, in general, are associated with money. There is no sense object in the world which comes freely into the hands. Stop handling the money or give up your power of attorney to handle the money to someone so that you can be free. The presence of money triggers the want of sense objects and also it triggers action towards the sense object. In short, don’t handle money.

Seeking proper company – Addiction is intimately connected with a suitable company. A man addicted to a particular sense object seeks the company of another addictive. Therefore, get away from such company if you wish to stop the addiction. In short, avoid bad company.

Remember when we are addicted, the senses overpower us and bring us death. Therefore, overcome addiction to overcome such eventuality.

Thank You.

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