Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Relative and Absolute Law.

The relative Law:

The laws, which bind men together in a society, are always relative. The laws, as made by men and as we know, are relative with regard to the species, gender, belief, and the need of the time. The laws cater the need of the welfare of the human society and enacted taking cognizance of the sustainable development of the society in future. Each country has its own laws. The laws are sometimes strongly discriminatory and biased with regard to the gender in the society. For example, the Taliban imposed strict sharia law in Afghanistan and the women have no right to education in that society.

Madness in AFG.

The laws, as we know, are relative with regard to the species. For example, a murder in any country would be an act that involves killing a fellow human being, with an intent to inflict maximum suffering, and thereby threatening the balance and the value of the human society. This heinous act, at the same time, doesn’t qualify for murder when inflicted on species other than men.

In some countries, the laws are enacted based on the religious faith, and according to their faith, even some relatively small crimes qualify for the capital punishment. Drug smuggling in countries like Saudi Arabia and Iraq qualify for capital punishment.

Capital punishment for petty crimes in Iran.

Moreover, the laws change according to the need of the time. For example, in Ireland, the gay marriage is legal.  In May 2015, Ireland became the first country to legalize same-sex marriage on a national level by popular vote.

Ireland's nod to LGBT community

The duality forms the basis of all social laws. The duality is nothing but the distinction between good and evil. They hold some men as good and some men as bad depending on the deeds committed by the men. The laws, therefore, differentiates the good from the evil. The good and bad are relative terms and differ from nation to nation.

The lower and upper thresholds:

The laws always have a lower and an upper threshold limit. Below the lower threshold limit man behaves like an animal. We all knew that there are certain heinous crimes committed by some men in the society, which only an animal is capable of replicating it. For example, during the civil war in Liberia, the rebel commanders had the knack for cannibalism. They cut down the hearts of the fallen rival commanders and ate them. These acts fit only the category of the animals. The lower threshold of the law distinguishes man from animals, whereas, the upper threshold distinguishes man from God.

Cannibal warlords of Liberia

The absolute law:

When we transcend the upper threshold limit, the man goes beyond good and evil. The man then goes beyond all social conventions like caste, creed, beliefs, and nationality etc. In the upper threshold limit, everything converges into ‘One’. All laws get merged into ‘One Absolute’. For example, the practice of non-violence beyond the threshold limit prescribed for men transcends the limitations of the species. The man then embraces the entire world. The man begins to love not only human beings but all animals as well. In the absolute one, there is no distinction between good and evil. The good and evil as we have seen are only relative.

Similarly, the practice of anti-corruption laws above the threshold limits will end up in sense control and in higher meditations. The practice of absolute truthfulness above the threshold limits will end up in the highest meditation and so on. Any practice of relative laws above the threshold limits will take one to the higher meditation.

If laws can accommodate murder and theft, then the vast majority of men would be good. Therefore, there is no distinction between a saint and a murderer in absolute one. The man who goes beyond the relativity has an equanimous eye on everyone. The man loves everyone irrespective of the deeds committed by them.

The absolute law is one, and it remains forever. The absolute law cannot be brought down to the level of the society. The absolute law cannot be brought down because it cannot be broken into good and evil. For example, the practice of absolute non-violence at the social level ends up in booking everyone on the charges of murder, because everyone in their lives would have killed a considerable number of species of other organisms. The relative laws are not an end in itself. The goal, therefore, is to transcend all relative laws and merge into absolute one.

The Absolute One.

Thank You.

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