Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Gross and the Subtle forms of Spirituality.

Spirituality is a progression from the gross to the subtle phenomena. It is a progression from a personal to an impersonal ideal. The grosser forms of spirituality are nothing but the expression of the subtle forms of spirituality. Nevertheless, it is the subtle form of spirituality which brings more tangible peace for the mankind. Here, we will examine the evolution of spirituality from the gross to the subtle forms.

The majority of people think of God as something extraneous from the real subject within. They conceive an external God, which is far removed from the real subject within. The grosser forms of spirituality involve appeasement to these external Gods. These forms of spirituality generally appeal to the sense organs.

One of the most common examples of this form of spirituality is to set up loudspeakers with a deafening noise, venting up high in the air, the musical numbers of Gods and Goddesses. The children, who prepare for exams under these conditions face a tough time and had to forget the prospects of obtaining good marks in the subject.


Next, comes the vacation, when men visit their personal Gods in far-off places. They carry utensils, cooking ingredients, and accompany an innocent creature for sacrifice. They believe that their personal fortunes will be doomed if they don't offer a sacrifice to these Gods. They are countless such examples which mark the gross forms of spirituality.

The appeasement. 

Next, comes the form of spirituality which appeals to the intellect. It involves reading books and listening to spiritual talks. If the speaker is an illumined soul, it will have a marked effect on the subject. But, if the speaker is under the domain of ignorance, it will not have a lasting effect on the subject. Only those phrases, commandments, poems, and lectures uttered by an illumined soul remain. The rest naturally move to the recycle bin.

Therefore, men, who progress along the path of spirituality, must not judge the intellect to be the end aim of spirituality. In fact, real spirituality is infinitely larger than mere reading and lecturing. Lecturing without illumination is a kind of a nuisance to the world. It shatters the peace both within and without.

Next, comes the highest form of spirituality which lies within the subject. This form of spirituality always comes from a formless source. It comes from an eternal voice. Sri Krishna in Gita, Buddha in four noble truths, and the message of Swami Vivekananda, all constitute this eternal voice. In fact, Swami Vivekananda once said that he is the voice without a form. Though these men had left their physical body ages ago, their ‘eternal voice’ continues to help humanity even in this age, and in the ages henceforth.

The highest form of spirituality is too subtle to comprehend and derived from an impersonal ideal. This impersonal ideal is completely devoid of a 'name and form'. Everything merges into 'One absolute Brahman'. Absolute silence marks the highest illumination since the duality is completely absent. The illumined souls preserve absolute silence unless they have a spiritual mission on earth. There are many illumined souls who transmitted spirituality by silence. A mere touch or a look will redeem the humanity itself.

The real source of spirituality has always the subtle origins. They either come from an eternal voice, or from the prayer of the great souls. They come from the outcome of the deep meditation within. The great souls have all obtained illumination through this method. Buddha obtained enlightenment in a forest, Jesus obtained illumination in a desert, and Sri Ramakrishna obtained illumination in a temple.

Deep meditation.

Therefore, the gross form of spirituality exhausts the energy within because of the outward flow of energy. The intellectual form of spirituality, without accompanied by illumination, is futile. The real form of spirituality comes from an impersonal ideal and accompanied by a deep meditation within.

Thank You.

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