Monday, March 7, 2016

Types of Religious Gurus.

The Tamasic Guru:

The Tamasic Guru is the one who incites his disciples to violence. He incites his disciples to commit the acts of arson, riots, sacrilege, and violence towards other religious faiths. By committing such acts of violence, the Guru promises liberation. Such a Guru has a very gross and barbaric idea of understanding his religion. Do not be swayed away by such Gurus who promises liberation through violence. Liberation is actually attained by the opposite of violence .i.e., the love of all beings.

The Tamasic Gurus vie for political power. They provide safe refuge to the terrorists. They store a cache of arms and ammunitions at sacred places. They lure poor and innocent men by providing monetary benefits and by providing religious sanction for the acts of violence. Therefore, beware of such Gurus.

Inciting Violence.

The Rajasic Guru:

The Rajasic Guru is the one who advertises himself. Such a Guru is more concerned about his titles, attire, paraphernalia, and empty rituals. The Rajasic Guru seeks money, power, and position in the society. The spiritual illumination is completely lacking in such Gurus, and they try to illumine others. It resembles the condition of a blind leading the blind. They preach half-baked and half-digested truths. They twist the real path to spirituality and offer shortcuts. They believe in acquiring powers and magic. The attachment to the world is not completely gone from such Gurus.

Such a Guru makes ridiculous statements that he is an incarnation of such and such a God. Such a Guru mixes freely with the opposite sex. And as a result, they get caught while committing the acts of sensuality. Therefore, beware of such Gurus who advertises himself.


The Sattvic Guru:

The Sattvic Guru neither seeks advertisement nor seeks money. The Sattvic Guru is illumined, as a result of his intense spiritual disciplines. But the illumination is only confined to the one aspect of the Brahman. Nevertheless, the Guru has attained the state of intense purity. They do not mix freely with the opposite sex. They preach the real path to spirituality. The Guru has intense love, sympathy, and compassion for the suffering ones. They do innumerable welfare activities for the benefit of the humanity.

The Sattvic Guru shows the way to God. Therefore, one has to approach such a Guru with high regard and reverence for spiritual welfare.

The Guru beyond the three Gurus:

They are the God-men and great Avatars who come down to the level of humanity to teach spirituality. They are perfect, and the knowledge of non-dual Brahman is inherent in them. Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, and Sri Ramakrishna are such Gurus. They appear very simple in the exterior but they can turn the world upside down by their immense spiritual power. Sri Rama was an exiled prince, Sri Krishna was a cowherd, and Sri Ramakrishna was a temple priest. But their spirituality shook the entire world.

They can transmit spirituality just by a word, or a touch, or by a mere glance. They transmit palpable spirituality to men. The spiritual message of such Gurus is everlasting. Such Gurus are omnipresent though they leave their mortal body. One must surrender to such all-mighty Gurus for redemption and liberation.

The eternal Gurus.

Thank You.

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