Thursday, March 3, 2016

Why Taking Food In A Hotel Will Ruin Your Spiritual Life.

The quality and the intent of food plays an indispensable role in spiritual life. Food not only builds the body but builds the nature as well. The food, in general, is classified into three based on intent and quality. They are Sattvic, Rajasic, and Tamasic foods. The food which increases the propensity for spiritual life is called Sattvic food. The food which increases the propensity for result-oriented action is called Rajasic food, and the food which induces stupidity, laziness, and harm belong to Tamasic foods.

There are many subtle factors involved in food which we normally don't perceive. If we observe keenly, there is a transmission of the character from the giver to the receiver. Also, the food depends on the purpose for which it is served. We will examine these factors one by one. 

Men, in general, not only impress their character on their fellow beings but impress on all the surrounding objects as well. We impress our character on our clothes, on our gadgets, on our shoes, and on every conceivable object that we use in our daily lives. The objects will always have a stamp of our character on it.

Impression on all objects in a room.
 Similarly, when a person cooks food, he not only cooks but also impresses his nature on it. The food, therefore, becomes food + impression of the character. When a person partakes the food, he not only receives the food but receives the impressions as well. So, there is an unconscious transmission of the character from the giver to the receiver.

The food prepared by our parents are always pure and healthy, and therefore, we receive the impressions of their love in that food. In the case of hotels the scenario is different. A hotel is a business establishment intended for profit. We not only eat food in hotels but also receive the impressions of the cook as well. 

For example, if the cook is a drunkard and addicted to sensuality, the food prepared by him would be Tamasic in nature. Such a food will shatter the delicate balance of our mind. Such a food will have a dangerous effect on our spiritual life. Also, it is obvious that the cook works for a result-oriented action. The food prepared by the cook, therefore, will be Rajasic in nature. Therefore, the food that we take in a hotel will be either Tamasic or Rajasic.

Food + Impression.

In a hotel, there are hundreds of customers who use the same plate, spoon, and other vessels. Regardless of the state cleanliness of the objects, the impressions of hundreds of customers are left over on the objects. So, when a person takes food, he receives the impressions of hundreds of customers who had used the objects before. 
When a spiritual aspirant receives these impressions, it upsets the delicate balance of the mind and ruins the spirituality as a result. If a person is spiritually strong, he can take the impressions of many, but if he is weak, he can the impressions of none. Therefore, in the beginning, an aspirant must be careful about the impressions which he receives from the food.

The spiritual aspirant works for the higher purposes. A spiritual aspirant takes food for the sake of enlightenment. The food must be taken to maintain a middle path, and to overcome the ignorance of the idea of the body. A spiritual aspirant must also avoid food on occasions like the remembrance of the dead, and on marriage ceremonies. Because the occasions are associated with the idea of the body.

The best way to take food is to offer it for a higher purpose or offer it to our Gods. The food which is offered to God is always pure. So, take precautions when you take food from outside. 

Food offered to God.

*This post is not intended to generate any negative view on hotels. They are good and hardworking people. This post applies to those who strive for spiritual enlightenment.

Thank You.

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