Saturday, April 16, 2016

How to Transform Yourself into Light.

We are only aware of the light produced by the transformation of the energies. But, there is an inner light which only a few are aware of. Only through this inner light, we are able to perceive this outside world. This inner light pervades our mind and all the organs of our body, but at the same time, it is completely independent of it. This light appears as a witness to all the functionalities of the body and the mind. This light is divine and forms our real nature. This light is of the nature of peace, joy and permanence. It is the light of the Atman.

This is the light which appears as a halo around the great spiritual personalities. This is the light which the ancient and modern seers had prayed for thousands of years, in the form of this beautiful verse.

ऊँ असतोम सद्गमय, तमसोमा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
मृत्योर्मा अमृतंगमया, ऊँ शान्ति शान्ति शान्तिः ।।

Om, lead me from unreal to the real; lead me from darkness to light; lead me from death to immortality. Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

If the light is our real nature, then why are we not able to perceive it? We are not able to perceive because we are shrouded in ignorance. The ignorance covers our real being and prevents us from seeing it.

…Embodied beings, however, are bewildered because of the ignorance which covers their real knowledge.” (Gita 5.15)

Therefore, how to know our true being and transform ourselves into this light. This can be done by the following three steps.

Step1 - Transformation from a personality to a principle:

As we progress in spiritual life we become more of a principle than a person. For example, Swami Vivekananda became synonymous with the principle of the 'Atman', Buddha became synonymous with the principle of ‘Enlightenment’, and Mahatma Gandhi became synonymous with the principle of ‘Non-Violence’, and so on. All these personalities though live in the body become the living principles. We have to take note that these principles are eternal and cannot be destroyed. As a result, they transcend the time and space and become omniscient. So, this is the first step i.e., the transformation of a personality into a principle.

Step 2 - Elimination of 'Chitta Vrittis':

The next step involves the elimination of 'Chitta Vrittis'. The Chitta Vrittis are 'sense impressions', which prompts us to an action motivated by desires culminating in misery. The Chitta Vrittis are responsible for rebirth. Even a Vritti of an ice cream or a chocolate can produce a rebirth. In order to transform oneself into a light one has to eliminate all Chitta Vrittis.

The Chitta Vrittis are responsible for the so-called 'coming into being or existence'. We exist and come into appearance because of these Vrittis. The body is a kind of a gross Vritti, whereas thoughts accompanied by sense-impressions form the subtle Vrittis. When the subtle Vrittis are eliminated, the body has no scope for coming into being.

Step 3 – The final resolution:

            This is the phase where one transforms into light. The Gross body, when eliminated of its Vrittis, gets resolved into subtle elements, and the subtle elements get resolved back into its causal form. Now, the dissolution of the causal form in the light takes place.

    After reading this you may feel that it is highly improbable to do so. It looks like a fiction, but it is completely possible. Many saints in the past have done that. And one particular saint is our ‘Ramalinga Swamigal’, who dissolved himself into light. During his final departure, he locked himself in a room and disappeared with the body altogether.

The great Ramalinga Swamigal.

    It is a matter of great happiness to be a light rather than being entangled in the sufferings of the body.  Therefore, transform yourself into light.

Thank You.

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