Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Evolution of the Futuristic Sense Organs for a Rapid Spiritual Illumination.

Men are not to be blamed for the lack of spiritual illumination. It stems from the inherent defect in the human configuration. The human configuration is made in such a way that it is always made to looks without (outside). The Katha Upanishad, one of the foremost principal Upanishad, points out this defect. It says,

“The self-existent (God) has rendered the senses defective that they go outward, and hence man sees the external and not the internal self. Only some wise men desirous of attaining immortality turns his eyes in, and beholds the inner Atman.” (Katha Upanishad - 2.4.1)

If the human configuration and the sense organs are made to look within, then there would be a large number of spiritually illumined people in this world. Why only one Buddha? There would be so many Buddhas in this world. Therefore, the problem is with the human configuration of the sense organs.

The human beings are the result of the evolution of minuscule organisms for billions of years. In fact, there were so many sub-species of human beings like the Homo habilis, the Homo erectus, and the Homo neanderthalensis, differing in DNA, brain size, and the size of the bodies. All these sub-species became extinct except the Homo sapiens (the modern human beings). Also, the human beings are in a constant state of evolution even today.

The Evolution of Homo Sapiens.

The sense organs play a significant role in the evolution of the human beings. In the primitive man, there was a complete orientation of the sense organs towards the external world. It was 100%. The sense organs remained sharp, keen, and sensitive to the dangers of the nature outside. The sense organs were then purely used for the preservation of the human body. As a result, the life of the primitive men was full of animalistic tendencies. Men experienced 'maximum suffering' in that life.

As mankind progressed into a society, the sense organs were utilized for higher pursuits. Men begin to investigate the forces behind nature, formulated laws and found solutions for the problems caused by nature. Men made rapid strides in all fields. Nevertheless, the sense organs could not be withdrawn completely inside. The suffering, therefore, could not be eliminated completely.

In future, with the development of robotics and automated technologies, men will become free to pursue the intellectual and the spiritual goals. The Robots, drones, and automated systems will then make up for the services of the mankind.  The future has only the scope for intellectual and spiritual pursuits. In future, there would be no scope for war. The humanity will stand united as one whole unit.

Future Robots.
The progress not only takes place in the technological sphere but in the evolution of the sense organs as well. Sri Ramakrishna used to say that in the Kali Yuga, men remain engaged in food or in the sense organs. In future, they may be pushed to secondary roles. Mankind, because of the experience of suffering in the billions of years of evolution, will be able to mutate and will be able to reconfigure the sense organs so as to look within.

Experience -> suffering -> mutation - this is the process of evolution. The physical configuration of men will then undergo a complete change to accommodate this mutation. This mutation helps in achieving the spiritual illumination. At present, with the current sense configuration, it is difficult for men to understand the ‘Atman’. Men, in this configuration, need a hard practice of self-control and sense-control to achieve liberation. That is why only a few men could break through the barriers and achieve illumination. The future will see an enlightened mankind, full of spiritual illumination. And that complete illumination of mankind will mark the end of the cycle of this Yuga (age).

Thank You.

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