Friday, April 29, 2016

The Four Things Which Bring Great Peace Of Mind.

1. Purity:

There is no other thing in the world which brings great peace of mind, great faith, and great confidence than the purity of the mind. All beings are innately pure. Only ignorance veils this purity. What brings great suffering in our lives is this ignorance. Never give up that faith in your purity, which is inherently yours, and whatsoever trouble that comes across the way, never give up that. What do you mean by purity? It is the faith in the Atman. It is the faith that you are the Atman and not the body. Any spiritual advancement along the direction of the Atman brings us close to the purity. Any downward degeneration brings us to the level of animals. One has to disengage from all sensual enjoyments to attain this state. 'Zero desires or no Vritti or sense impressions' - a person should strive hard to attain this state. I am sure you can be confident of anything and even dare death with purity.

Pure as the white flower.

2. Meditation:

Meditation, at least an hour a day, gives great peace of mind. Meditation is finding the peace within yourselves. Finding the real peace within is a great challenge, as people often take recourse to temples, books, and lectures, to find it. The real peace is within, always within and not without. Find a lonely place for meditation, and remember that meditation is not a kind of advertisement to the world.

Why should we meditate? To understand meditation, we need to understand the underlying philosophy behind it. Our real nature is always pure, as we have seen already, and all suffering is because of entanglement in nature or Prakriti. Meditation is the process of withdrawing ourselves from Prakriti. Detachment is the key to meditation. Men in the world die of attachment to objects. Detach yourselves from everything and be perfectly free. Once you start meditating, with the prerequisites fulfilled, you will find a great peace within. Meditation is the route to exit in this world of illusion and suffering. Exit as early as possible, because the world is not real.

Meditate to Exit. 

3. Detachment:

The only thing which hurts us deeply in our lives is the attachment. Attachment and love don't go together. Attachment intends 'I', whereas sacrifice is the basis of love. We confuse attachment with love and suffer in our whole lives. The emotions are paralyzing sometimes, making us forget our true nature. Don't judge things on emotions, because they always make us weak. Detachment is the key to peaceful life. Be strong in what you are and help others in whatever possible way you can, but never give way to weakness. To develop this attitude takes a great deal of experience, practice, and time. It doesn't come in a single day. Detach yourselves and save yourselves.

Be free.

4. Prayer:

The first prayer in our spiritual life should be this "Oh God! If I have done any kind of inconvenience or any kind of harm, knowingly or unknowingly, to anyone, please forgive me." Praying for others gives great peace of mind than praying for our own. There are millions of people who suffer every day, and it is our sole responsibility of ours to solve those problems. Our problems pale into insignificance when compared to the suffering humanity. Therefore, pray, pray, and pray for others.

Pray for peace

These are the four things, according to me, gives great peace of mind. What do you say?

Thank You.

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